1728 Dental Group Clinches Promising Brand Award at the Singapore Prestige Brand Award 2020/21
1728 Dental Practice is pleased to receive the award of the promising brands in Singapore Prestige Brand Award (SPBA) 2020/21. This award, organized by the Associate of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME) and the Lianhe Zaobao, recognizes and honours emerging brands that have been established for 3 to 8 years in Singapore,
Key Benefits of dental implants
Dentures were often thought to be the only option for replacing failing or missing teeth. Dental implants are now considered the treatment of choice. Dentures are prone to sliding and pinching because they sit on the gums. On the other hand, dental implants operate by replacing the tooth roots. While not everyone is fully aware of the ins and outs of dental implants (e.g., how much dental implants cost,
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants
Dental implants are widely regarded as one of the most successful and popular techniques to replace lost teeth. A dental implant is a long-term solution for repairing one’s smile since it is designed to blend in perfectly with natural teeth.For many years, the introduction and usage of dental implants has been regarded as one of dentistry’s most amazing achievements.
Dental Implant for Teens
Dental implants are the best option for replacing missing or lost teeth. Implants are not only robust and durable, but they also have the same appearance, feel, and function as natural teeth. Implant surgery is often available to any adult who is healthy enough to undergo basic dental procedures. Teenagers, on the other hand, may have to wait.Are dental implants safe for teenagers?Teenagers cannot obtain dental implants …
Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening Myths: True or False? There are a plethora of websites or blogs that offer a wealth of information on teeth whitening. In reality, most of them are natural, do-it-yourself home cures for stain removal. To whiten your teeth, the most popular procedures will most likely use materials like baking soda or oil pulling; […]
Importance of Flossing
The Importance of Flossing Not only should brushing your teeth be a part of your regular oral hygiene practice, but so should cleaning in between your teeth, commonly known as interdental cleaning. It should be an important part of your daily routine because of the numerous advantages it provides. Floss is only one of many […]
Causes of bleeding gums
What Are The Causes Of Bleeding Gums? Do not be alarmed if you observe your gums bleeding after flossing or brushing. Your gums can bleed for a variety of reasons, some of which are more serious than others. Understanding why your gums are bleeding and determining the reason is the first step toward resolving the […]
Side effects of deep cleaning
Scaling and root planing are referred as deep cleaning and are usually recommended to treat the early stage of gum disease or Gingivitis. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar from below the gumline while root planing smoothes the tooth root and helps the gum reattach to the tooth.
When do you need a Root Canal treatment?
Root canal treatment, simply put, is a procedure to repair and save a tooth that is badly infected or decayed without actually extracting the tooth. The treatment involves removing an infection from the infected pulp of a tooth.
New risks of Root Canal treatment
Although a root canal treatment is a common thing in today’s medically advanced world, risks and complications may arise unexpectedly. You should always be aware of such things before a procedure as it is better to go in prepared.